Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Decriminalization And Its Effects On America

Drug Decriminalization in America There are many major factors at one point time in society, the most controversial is drug decriminalization. When the topic of drug or drug related discussion arises, many individuals would choose to ignore the topic entirely. Why not approach the topic head on? Attack the issue at its roots and refuse to give up until proven wrong. Drug decriminalization is a topic that needs to be brought to the front of discussion with politics and legislation. State and federal laws should be readjusted and in many cases removed in regards to drug policy. As a society, we need to treat the way we handle drug users and drug cases differently. Our current approach is not working anymore, and it’s time for a change. To change, everything has to change from the start. Drug use has surrounded us as a species since the stone age. The first references of alcohol were found within ancient Chinese civilizations, which date to roughly 9,000 years ago (McGovern, et al.). The original sources for these alcohols were rice and millet. One of the first surgical anesthetics used was opium. It is believed that some of the first Sumerian clay tablets contained basic prescriptions of opium for pain relief. Many Arabic cultures also used opium for diseases and issues relating to gastrointestinal issues and eye abnormalities (McGovern, et al.). Whether drugs were used for recreational purposes or for medicinal uses is left in the history. Prohibition in the UnitedShow MoreRelatedAmericas War On Drugs1528 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s war on drugs has failed. After millions of dollars and untold man hours spent enforcing the prohibition of illegal drugs, there is little, if any, success to show for it. Illicit drugs are still available on most American st reet corners, drug usage rates have not decreased, and the scourge of drug related violence continues to spread like wildfire. 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For instance, in the N etherland and Switzerland, where marijuana is legalized, the consumptionRead More The Argumentr Regardingf The Decriminalization Of Cannabis Essay1705 Words   |  7 Pages The Argument Over the Decriminalization of Cannabis nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The majority of Americans choose the same issues as the most threatening to the nation. Invariably among these one will see â€Å"drugs† as a major concern of most Americans. There is speculation that this is due to a perceived association between drugs and crime (Inciardi 1). A good deal of the argument over government policy towards drugs centers on the least unhealthy and most sociallyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Drug Legalization1310 Words   |  6 Pages Drug decriminalization is opposed by the majority of Americans. Leaders in drug prevention, education, treatment, and law enforcement are against it, as are many political leaders. 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There is an utmost need to legalize and decriminalize recreational drug use in the US, now more than ever. The government no longer needs to intervene upon the personal rights and freedoms of adults. One should have control over the choices of his/her own life. Rather than criminalizing drug addicts they should be given a choice to rehabilitate

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